How is Invown’s tool different from other options?

Invown's offering tool is a new alternative to traditional sharing. Our online tool gives operators, owners, syndicators, and investors an interactive online presence with real-time tracking and discussion. Listers have the information at their fingertips to give investors the confidence they need to make informed decisions.

By |2022-05-10T10:02:31-04:00November 7, 2021|0 Comments

How much can an Offering Memorandum cost?

Offering Memos, sometimes called Private Placement Memos (PPMs) can be expensive for technically sound legal documents meant to raise capital under Regulation D. Law firms can charge at least $35,000 to draft a PPM. Invown provides Offering Memos for real estate owners, operators, and syndicates who want to provide information [more]

By |2021-09-25T15:18:26-04:00September 17, 2021|0 Comments